Coach communication

How often should I expect a message from my coach?

The Climbing Training Plan+ and Flexibility Training Plans include remote support from a dedicated coach with whom you can discuss your training progress. Your coach is available to adjust your plan according to your experiences and provide valuable advice and encouragement.

The communication is delivered through the chat function in the Lattice Training app. You and your coach can also discuss setting up video calls where appropriate.

We believe in a client-led approach to communication. By allowing you to express your preferences and needs, we ensure a personalised experience that works best for you. You are encouraged to reach out to your coach, and you can expect to receive a response within 1-2 working days.

It is important to note that our coaches will not initiate contact too frequently, such as every few days. This level of communication can lead to clients overanalysing their sessions and daily performance. Instead, we emphasise the importance of gathering feedback over a more extended period, which is essential for establishing the appropriate training load and ensuring we are making steady progress towards your goals.

With this in mind, we would recommend providing your coach with weekly updates and getting in touch in between this period if you have any other specific questions.


We have created helpful articles (linked below) to offer you additional guidance and strategies for making the most out of your relationship with your Lattice coach. Their extensive knowledge and experience can greatly enhance your training journey, and we encourage you to take full advantage of their expertise!

Working With A Remote Lattice Coach (Climbing Training Plan+)

Remote Flexibility Coaching: Tips for Success (Flexibility Plan)

Will I receive coaching with a Climbing Training Plan?

Our Climbing Training Plans are self-led. They don't come with ongoing 1:1 coach support as for this service, you will need to purchase a Climbing Training Plan+or Flexibility Training Plan.

However, if you find there is something you are unsure of, for example, you don't understand a particular session, please get in touch! We're happy to help. 

Still need help? 

Get in touch

This article was last updated: December 2024